The base of the blood orange essential oil aroma consists of sweet, light and fresh citrus notes. The aroma of citrus fruit peel is light and soft. This scent helps to improve your mood and general well-being, has calming properties, relaxes your tense body and relieves stress and anxiety. The blood orange essential oil is perfect for cleansing the air in your home and improving its quality overall, as well as for sustaining the sense of cleanliness of your surroundings.
What can you blend the blood orange essential oil with?
The blood orange essential oil blends perfectly with camphor, citrus fruit, herb, flower and mint oils, as well as with vanilla and bergamot. If you wish to retain your well-being, we suggest blending this oil with jasmine, sage, or chamomile fragrances, however pink peppercorn or long pepper work just as fine.
A few drops of „DROPS BY SOLIDU“ is all you need to fill your home with freshness, cleanliness and tranquillity.
Kvepia Kalėdomis :) –
Nuostabaus kvapo eterinis aliejus – garinant difuzoriuje, išties pakelia nuotaiką, tarsi “įpučia” energijos, o dabar, priešventiniu laikotarpiu, savo šiek tiek mandarinus primenančiu kvapu, sukuria puikią Kalėdinę atmosferą namuose!